Saturday, November 22, 2008

William Forrester

In this movie ‘Finding Forrester,’ a man named William Forrester plays a role of an aged, experienced and a suspicious person who lives alone in his dark apartment, he barely goes out of his home and stays inside observing things from his window most of the time.

He has a great interest in reading and writing books, his book was a success, and even won an award. He loves his typewriter, whenever he is in the mood or something strikes his mind he starts punching the keys. According to him the first step
towards good and powerful writing is to write what ever first comes to mind and not to think, one you have the first draft then you can work with the thinking process do the editing and create a final draft, this is his belief.

He has a strict and suspicious personality, suspicious in a way that he hardly leaves his apartment, stares outside the window for hours, doesn’t like people asking him questions, keeps information about his family and his past very secretive. From what I have observed, he is suffering from Agoraphobia- a condition where the sufferer becomes anxious in environments that are familiar or where he or she perceives that they have little control. Triggers for this anxiety may include crowds, wide open spaces, or traveling even short distances.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

“Shooting an Elephant”

In “Shooting an Elephant” the Burmese and Britishers are the visible enemies of each other.

Burmese evidently hated British army as they had marched into their land and were treating them as slaves. Secondly, Britishers were the enemies of Burmese on the origin of their color, race, all their differences and most importantly, Britishers were ruling the land which in real didn’t belong to them and were using that power on the people it actually belonged to, who were Burmese themselves.

For Burmese, the other enemy could be the vicious elephant, who was threat to the entire village at least according to them it was because the elephant in this story was portraying role of British Raj in the sub continent. It was fierce and killing people for no reasons. It was a danger for the people. But its fate led it to a painful death when it was least expected.

George Orwell’s enemy is his helplessness in his situation and position. Regardless of the hatred he had for imperialism, he had to be a part of it, as they already used to make fun of him and used to treat him very badly because of him being an European and he didn’t wanted that to happen again, so had to play a convincing role to impress the local people.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

sehri=one more day with ungrateful moments???

*Ringing of an alarm clock * (4:45 in the morning). I got up from my bed, hardly able to keep my eyes open, half blind, headed towards the bathroom, almost bumping into things, to wash my face and to brush my teeth. Still sleepy, telling myself again and again, “Wake up sleepy head! Duty calls!”
At last, being able to see clearly, I headed towards the kitchen to prepare sehri. Now that’s not such an easy job in my house but someone has to do it. As everyone around here has different choices and want something different to eat than other. For example one wants a cup of tea so other wants a glass of juice.
While the microwave oven was doing its work, heating the food, I already had prepared. I better catch with mine. Now this is the most difficult part of my job being a mother, waking my children up from their sleep. I think even if there will be a robbery at my house, instead of helping, these two kids of mine would be like, “Han! Thori der baad ana, abhi sonay do.”
Entering their room, I screamed’ “Maheen, Mohammad, wake up! Sehri nae karni kiya? Azaan ho jaegi thori mai….” And as expected, no response! The time came when I had to shout my head off and start shaking the kids, the time was running out and only fifteen minutes were left. Finally after literally pulling them up I ran to my room to wake my husband and than to the next room to wake up the children’s grand parents.
After five minutes they all appeared rubbing their eyes looking at me like I committed a sin waking them up. “No body thinks about me that I have been up since 4:45 am preparing them sehri, keeping their likes and dislikes in mind but no! Sometimes they become so ungrateful but I guess this is what we call life” I said to my self and started serving them.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hey..! im here too now! =D